We had an amazing turnout on our Parent Empowerment Workshop, Unleashing Creativity for Family Wellness! GUSD families came together as one for a fun and engaging morning of art. A huge thank you to Ms. Jenieve Cervantes for leading our inspiring art classes and to our wonderful partners from Nurbli for providing interpretation services for our Triqui-speaking families.🎨✨👩‍🎨 Tuvimos una participación increíble en nuestro Taller de Empoderamiento de Padres, ¡Desatando la Creatividad para el Bienestar Familiar! Las familias de GUSD se unieron en una mañana divertida y entretenida de arte. Un enorme agradecimiento a la Srta. Jenieve Cervantes por dirigir nuestras inspiradoras clases de arte y a nuestros maravillosos socios de Nurbli por proporcionar servicios de interpretación para nuestras familias que hablan triqui.🎨✨👩‍🎨 #ASA #PolarBearPride #GUSD #AllMeansAll
17 days ago, Arroyo Seco Academy
Parent Empowerment
Parent Empowerment
We had a blast celebrating 100 days of school! 🎉 Our students had so much fun dancing, spreading kindness, and dressing up for the special day. It was a perfect way to mark this exciting milestone and show how far we've come this school year. ✨ ¡Nos lo pasamos genial celebrando los 100 días de clase! 🎉 Nuestros estudiantes se divirtieron mucho bailando, repartiendo bondad y disfrazándose para este día tan especial. Fue una manera perfecta de marcar este logro emocionante y mostrar lo lejos que hemos llegado este año escolar. ✨
about 1 month ago, Arroyo Seco Academy
100 days of school
100 days of schools
Last Saturday, the Greenfield Police Department presented at our Parent Empowerment Workshop, sharing valuable tips on discipline strategies, social media safety, and preventing gang influence. Thank you to Sergeant Guzman, Officer Dyles, and Officer Rangel for helping empower our GUSD families! 👮‍♂️🚔 El sábado pasado, el Departamento de Policía de la Ciudad de Greenfield presentó en nuestro taller de empoderamiento para padres. Ahí pudieron compartir consejos valiosos sobre estrategias de disciplina, la seguridad del uso de las redes sociales, y la prevención de la influencia de las pandillas. ¡Muchas gracias al Sargento Guzmán, Oficial Dyles, y al Oficial Rangel por ayudar a empoderar a nuestras familias de GUSD! 👮‍♂️🚔
about 2 months ago, Arroyo Seco Academy
Parent Empowerment
Parent Empowerment Group Pic
Go Team @ASA_PolarBears Happy Wednesday! 🩷 ☀️ 👍🏽 What a great day to go on Learning walks as we capture instructional rounds trend data with regard to exemplary teaching and learning practices! 🩷 #empowering #leadership #LeadershipMatters #WellnessMatters #YOUmatter #LiveWellLeadWell #Fitleaders #FitisIn
10 months ago, Zandra Jo Galvan
Exciting day at the ScienceMobile! ☀️ Soledad students dove into the world of reflections, crafting their own kaleidoscopes using mirrors. 💕☀️🩵 A fascinating exploration of light!🩵
10 months ago, Zandra Jo Galvan
Exciting day at the ScienceMobile! ☀️  Soledad students dove into the world of reflections, crafting their own kaleidoscopes using mirrors. 💕☀️🩵  A fascinating exploration of light!🩵
A special thank you to our FMOT staff who delivered pumpkins to all of our students district wide!! #strongertogether #trust&inspireGUSD
over 1 year ago, Juan Sanchez
FMOT team unloading pumpkins
FMOT team unloading pumpkins
FMOT team unloading pumpkins
FMOT team unloading pumpkins
Thank you to our FMOT department for ensuring that every student is able to receive a pumpkin this Fall. #strongertogether #trust&inspireGUSD
over 1 year ago, GUSD
Fmot unloading pumpkins
Fmot unloading pumpkins
Fmot unloading pumpkins
Fmot unloading pumpkins
Thank you so much President Jaime for working with Braga Farms and making sure every student at GUSD gets a pumpkin at all of our schools!! Thank you FMOT for assisting in making this possible as well!! #strongertogether #trust&inspireGUSD
over 1 year ago, GUSD
Board president and FMOT pumpkin picking.
FMOT staff pumpkin picking.
Thank you so much President Jaime for working with Braga Farms and making sure every student at GUSD gets a pumpkin at all of our schools!! Thank you FMOT for assisting in making this possible as well!! #strongertogether #trust&inspireGUSD
over 1 year ago, GUSD
President Jaime and FMOT pumpkin picking
FMOT picking pumpkins
Greenfield Union School district is happy to team up with Apptegy! Come check out our new website and download our new App. Available on the Apple and Android store.
over 1 year ago, Juan Sanchez
flyer for new website
Behavior Expectations at ASA Expectativas de Comportamiento en ASA Positive - Positivo Respectful -Respetuoso Inclusive - Inclusivo Dedicated to -Dedicado a Excellence -Excelencia
almost 2 years ago, Arroyo Seco Academy
Greenfield Union School District Arroyo Seco Academyn students jumping
🍀 Happy St. Patrick’s Day from our family to yours! 🍀 #ALLmeansALL #ThisisGUSD #ProudToBeGUSD
almost 2 years ago, Greenfield Union School District
Two people with green St. Patrick's Day Hats on
🌟 GUSD Story Time with Superintendent Galvan - Follow this Youtube link: https://youtu.be/smacsgS70Ew #ThisisGUSD #GreenfieldGuarantee #ProudToBeGUSD #AllmeansAll 🌟 GUSD Hora de Cuento con nuestra Superintendente Galvan - Sigan este enlace de Youtube: https://youtu.be/smacsgS70Ew
almost 2 years ago, Greenfield Union School District
Superintendent holding a book called "Latinas Celebrating 40 Big Dreamers"
Greenfield USD serving fresh baked cinnamon rolls with the first strawberries of the year 🍓 Enjoy kiddos!!
almost 2 years ago, Greenfield Union School District
Cinnamon rolls and strawberries